Outside Storage & Parking

Do you park vehicles on your property? Do you work on vehicles on your property?

(These rules would not apply to parcels legally zoned and permitted to be used for auto repair, storage & restoration.)

Please note, that these are impressions only and subject to error. There are many details listed that have not been included below, including outdoor storage of firewood, furniture, appliances, and construction materials.

Read the 1/16/25 cancelled DRAFT HERE.

Existing Rules for Parking
Unless otherwise prohibited or restricted in this chapter, vehicles parked on residential or rural property must:
1. be owned or leased by the current resident/occupant
2. not be up on jacks/blocks
3. not have deflated tires, nor have parts removed (chassis, engine, body parts, wheels, tires)
4. must not block access to sidewalks or driveways of another property
5. must have current valid registration on the license plate. If there isn’t a plate or there is an expired tag, those will be considered proof that it is not registered
6. no more than two vehicles may be offered for sale at any time
7. vehicles must be operable

(These rules always apply but there are additional rules if the vehicles are recreational vehicles. Note: the definition for Recreational Vehicles used to include utility trailers but in the new proposed rules, the two are separated.)

Existing Rules for Recreational Vehicle Storage
Must follow all of the above from 2.185.05, not be connected to any utility source, and not used for any sleeping or living purposes

Proposed Rules for Parking
Chapter: 2.185.05
of the canceled 1/16/25 DRAFT.
The seven rules above remain the same but in the canceled draft from 1/16/25, the following was added:
Vehicles on the property must be capable of operating on a public roadway.
(These rules above almost always apply but there are additional rules if the vehicles are RVs or utility trailers below and there are a few exceptions under the new inoperable vehicle section below)

Proposed Rules for Recreation Vehicle Storage

Must follow vehicle parking rules above from Chapter: 2.185.05.
RVs may be parked on lots 35,000 square feet or larger if they are:
1. not connected to any utility source (unless charging the battery)
2. not used for short-term housing unless permitted (you can get a temporary construction permit)
3. in an enclosed garage or building, or, two RVs maximum may be outside if it is on a dust-proof surface and screened from adjacent parcels by a wall, fence, or gate that is no less than seven feet tall
(An additional RV is permitted per additional 5000 square feet in a lot size up to five RVs, but it has to follow all the rules above regarding dustproof surfaces, etc.), if parked outside your RV must be a minimum of three feet from any building and the path to it must be at least a four-foot wide clear path from the front to back yard on the side of the building
A vehicle may be parked in the front yard but it can be there only for unloading/loading and repairs and not for longer than 72 hours within seven consecutive days.

Proposed Utility Trailers Chapter:
Must follow vehicle parking rules above from Chapter: 2.185.05.
May be parked on lots 35000 square feet or larger if:
They are parked inside an enclosed garage or building OR can be parked outside on a dust-proof surface in a side or rear yard, completely screened from view of adjacent streets and parcels by a wall, fence, or gate that is no less than seven feet tall
An additional trailer is permitted (up to ten utility trailers) for every 5000 square feet that you have over 35000 square feet.
It must be parked at least three feet away from any building.
The path to it must be at least a four feet wide clear path from the front to back yard on the side of the building.
A vehicle may be parked in the front yard but it can be there only for unloading/loading and repairs and not for longer than 72 hours within seven consecutive days.

Proposed Inoperable Vehicles:

(note: it seems that the code did not previously allow for any inoperable vehicles; it also did not give rules about working on a vehicle)
Inoperable vehicles or vehicles that are being repaired or restored must be enclosed in a garage or building. If the vehicle is parked in a carport, it must be covered by a vehicle cover made for that purpose.
Two inoperable vehicles may be parked outside if parked on a dustproof surface in the rear or side yard and they must be screened from adjacent streets and parcels by a screen no less than seven feet high.
In residential areas (as opposed to rural zoning areas) work on cars is permitted on your property that belongs to you or your family. If the work is more involved than oil & brake changes and will take longer than 24-48 hours then:
repairs must be completed in a garage or building OR on a dust-proof surface that is fully screened by a screen at least seven feet tall from adjacent parcels & roads
repairs must not create odors or noises that disturb the peace
more than three vehicles cannot be repaired in one calendar year
work can only be completed on one vehicle at any time

Please read page 278 in the DRAFT for rules for heavy trucks or public safety vehicles.
(Please read 2.185.060 section A for lots less than 35,000 square feet; page 279 section A for rules about parking an RV there; page 280 section A for utility trailers)

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