Accessory Dwelling Units
Definition of Accessory Dwelling Unit means an ancillary or secondary living unit to a single-family detached Dwelling Unit that includes Kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping areas, and is independently accessed from and located on the same Lot as a single-family detached Dwelling Unit, either attached to the single-family Dwelling Unit or in a detached Building. For purposes of determining maximum density, an Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not count as a Dwelling Unit.
Park Model means a park Trailer that is a Structure built on a single chassis, mounted on wheels, and designed to be connected to the Utilities necessary for operating installed fixtures and appliances and that has a gross interior area of at least 320 square feet and not more than 400 square feet when prepared for occupancy. The term “Park Model” does not include fifth wheelers, Factory-built Buildings, Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes nor other Recreational Vehicles
Current See HERE
2.150.240. – Guest house/casita
In addition to the requirements of a specific zone, guest houses/casitas are subject to the following additional requirements:
A.Minimum development standards:
1.Shall meet the front and side setbacks of the main building;
2.Minimum rear setback shall be ten feet;
3.Height restriction shall be the same as the main building; and
4.Minimum distance from the main building shall be seven feet or as specified by the building code.
B.Shall be no larger than 45 percent of the gross livable area of the main dwelling.
C.Only one guest house/casita per lot shall be allowed.
D.Shall use the same street access which serves the main dwelling.
E.The guest house/casita and the main dwelling shall not be served by separate utility meters.
From p. 149 of the 1/16/25 canceled DRAFT
2.150.240. Accessory Dwelling Unit (this section is no longer called Guest house/casita)
In addition to the requirements of a specific Zoning District, Accessory Dwelling
Units (ADUs) are subject to the following additional requirements:
A. Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit
1.Minimum development standards:
a. A detached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall conform to the development standards of the Main Building, including architectural elevations and materials.
i. A Park Model Trailer permitted as a single-family independent Accessory Dwelling Unit
is exempt from conforming to the architectural elevation and material development
standards of the Main Building in accordance with PCDSC § 2.150.155.
b. A detached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be a minimum of 250 square feet.
c. A detached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall meet the front, rear and side Setbacks of the
Zoning District in which the subject Lot is located.
d. A detached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not exceed the height of the Main Building.
e. No detached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be located within six (6) feet if fire rated and ten
(10) feet if not fire rated of the site’s Main Building.
2.It shall be located only on a Lot containing one single-family detached Dwelling Unit.
3.It shall have a separate exterior entrance from the Main Building.
4. It shall be no larger than 45 percent of the gross livable area of the Main Building.
5.Only one Accessory Dwelling Unit per Lot shall be allowed.
6. It shall use the same Street access which serves the Main Building and provide one
additional off-street parking space as required in PCDSC § 2.140.020.
7.The detached Accessory Dwelling Unit and the main Building shall not be physically addressed
8.A detached Accessory Dwelling Unit can abut or share a common wall with a detached garage
provided that the gross livable area of the Accessory Dwelling Unit is no larger than 45 percent of
the gross livable area of the Main Building and there is no direct access between the Accessory
Dwelling Unit and the garage.
9.A Manufactured Home, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle, or Park Model Trailer shall not be
used as an Accessory Dwelling Unit, except as otherwise allowed under section 2.150.155.
10.If presented for rent, the property owner, which shall include title holders and contract
purchasers, must occupy either the main dwelling or the Accessory Dwelling Unit as their
principal residence. The main Dwelling or Accessory Dwelling Unit that is not occupied by the
property owner may be rented for either long-term periods of more than thirty (30) consecutive
days or short-term periods for thirty (30) consecutive days or fewer. If the main dwelling or
Accessory Dwelling Unit is not owner-occupied, the Accessory Dwelling Unit may not be leased,
subleased, or rented separate and apart from the main dwelling for either long-term or short-
term periods.
B. Attached Accessory Dwelling Unit
1.Minimum development standards:
a. Any attached Accessory Dwelling Unit, by a common wall or by a climate-controlled indoor
access way to the Main Building, shall be deemed a part of the main Building and shall
conform to the development standards of the Main Building, including architectural
elevations and materials. The indoor access way shall also conform to the same
development standards as the Main Building.
b. An attached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be a minimum of 250 square feet.
c. An attached Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not exceed the height of the Main Building.
2.It shall be located only on a Lot containing one single-family detached Dwelling Unit.
3.It may have a separate exterior entrance or connected interior entrance from the Main Building,
subject to applicable Building and Fire Code requirements.
4.The Accessory Dwelling Unit and Main Building shall not be altered so as to appear to contain
more than one Dwelling Unit.
5.It shall be no larger than 45 percent of the gross livable area of the Main Building.
6.Only one Accessory Dwelling Unit per Lot shall be allowed.
7.It shall use the same Street access which serves the Main Building and provide one additional off-
street parking space as required in PCDSC § 2.140.020.
8.The Accessory Dwelling Unit and the Main Building shall not be physically addressed separately.
9.If presented for rent, the property owner, which shall include title holders and contract
purchasers, must occupy either the main dwelling or the Accessory Dwelling Unit as their
principal residence. The main dwelling or Accessory Dwelling Unit that is not occupied by the
property owner may be rented for either long-term periods of more than thirty (30) consecutive
days or short-term periods for thirty (30) consecutive days or fewer. If the main dwelling or
Accessory Dwelling Unit is not owner-occupied, the Accessory Dwelling Unit may not be leased,
subleased, or rented separate and apart from the main dwelling for either long-term or short-
term periods.
2.150.155. Park Model Trailer as Accessory Dwelling Unit
p. 134 of the 1/16/25 canceled DRAFT
A. On Parcels zoned for one Dwelling Unit per three Acres or greater and that are not located in a high noise or
accident potential Zoning District as defined in A.R.S. § 28-8461, a Park Model Trailer shall be a Permitted
Use as a single-family independent Accessory Dwelling Unit that includes a Kitchen and that is located on the
same Lot as a single-family Housing unit, duplex, triplex, townhome or other Housing unit.
B. The Park Model Trailer shall be on a semi-permanent or permanent foundation that has utility connections.
All drainage, floodplain, sanitary sewer or septic waste disposal requirements and all other zoning standards,
including, but not limited to, those governing site development and detached Accessory Buildings, shall be
C. A County Building permit and inspection for installation of a Park Model Trailer shall be required. Additions
to a Park Model Trailer, such as decks and stairs, must be submitted to the County for review and approval.
From A.R.S. § 28-8461:
9. “High noise or accident potential zone” means any property located in the following zones:
(a) For Luke air force base in Maricopa county, within the 1988 noise contours developed and recognized by the regional planning agency in that county that includes the arrival and departure corridor that is the accident potential zone one and accident potential zone two plus the land area described as follows: starting two hundred feet from the south end of the westernmost runway at a width of one thousand five hundred feet west and two thousand five hundred feet east, measured perpendicular to the centerline of the runway, and extending southwesterly parallel to the runway for a distance of thirty thousand feet.
(b) For Davis-Monthan air force base in Pima county, the area southeast of the runway within the noise contours, accident potential zone one and accident potential zone two as established by the most recent air installation compatible use zone report issued by the United States department of defense or the zones established in the compatible land use plan in the joint land use study completed in February 2004.
(c) For Yuma marine corps air station and Laguna army airfield in Yuma county and Libby army airfield in Cochise county, within the noise contours established by the most recent air installation compatible use zone report recognized by the military airport and political subdivisions in that county or the report of a cooperative land use planning effort among affected political subdivisions and the military airport recognized by the military airport and political subdivisions in that county, including the arrival and departure corridor that is the accident potential zone one and accident potential zone two plus the land area described as follows: starting two hundred feet from the end points of the main runways and at a width of three thousand feet and symmetrical about a centerline between the runways extending outward to a point thirty thousand feet from the point of beginning. The outer width is seventeen thousand five hundred feet.
(d) For the ancillary military facility described in paragraph 7, subdivision (a) of this section, the land area inside the F-16 noise contour lines and the arrival and departure corridors designated as the accident potential zone one and the accident potential zone two on the map described in paragraph 7, subdivision (a) of this section.
(e) For the ancillary military facilities described in paragraph 7, subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section, the land areas designated as the high noise or accident potential zones and the arrival and departure corridors designated as the accident potential zone one and the accident potential zone two on the map of each ancillary military facility described in paragraph 7, subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section.