Cargo Containers
shipping containers, connex, etc
Do you have a cargo/shipping container? Do you plan to get one?
Below are notes on the zoning regulations. There are more details listed that have not been included below.
See chapter 2.150.160 p. 135 of the canceled 1/16/25 DRAFT.
In the canceled draft, areas zoned GR (General Rural) were to become RU-1.25.
Cargo containers are not allowed for human occupancy.
Cargo containers are prohibited for use as storage or as accessory buildings in the following zones: CR-1A, CR-1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4, CR-5, MH, RV, MHP, PM/RVP, TR, R-43, R-35, R-20, R-12, R-9, R-7, MD, MR, AC-1, AC-2, AC-3, O-1, O-2, C-1, MH-8, MHP-435 and PM/RVP-435.
Cargo containers are allowed for storage in the following zones: CAR, SR, SR-1, SH, GR, RU-10, RU-5, RU-3.3, RU-2, RU 1.25, but they cannot be larger than 400 square feet, they need to be painted in a mono color and cannot be used for advertising. Only one is allowed per acre with a maximum of three per parcel,
For the following zones, the same rules apply except that you can only have 1 per parcel: CB-1, CB-2, CI-B, C-2, and C-3.
There is no limit on the amount or size of cargo containers in CI-1, CI-2, I-1, I-2, and I-3 but they still need to be painted a mono color and can’t be used for advertising.
Canceled Draft
For RU 1.25 (proposed to replace General Rural), there is still one cargo container allowed per acre, up to a maximum of three.
Each container will need a building permit if the size is over 200 square feet.
They are not allowed for human occupancy unless permitted as a dwelling unit and they will need to conform to building code.
General Provisions:
A single container can’t be larger than 510 square feet.
They can’t be placed in a floodway.
They must have all chassis, axles, and wheels removed and must be set and secured so they won’t move.
They need to be kept in good repair, structurally sound, and in sanitary condition.
The exterior and interior both need to be clean and sanitary.
They need to be painted in a muted earth-tone color or subdued hue that matches the surrounding environment.
Utility connections to the cargo container must be permitted.
They may not be leased or rented separately from the property for long-term or short-term periods.
They can’t be used to store merchandise, equipment, products, supplies, and materials produced or needed for operating a business.
They can’t be used for displaying advertising.
It will be possible to get a temporary use permit for the storage of equipment and materials during construction.
Certain zoning districts don’t allow for cargo containers and others do.
For zoning areas different than GR (General Rural), see Chapter 2.150.160 p. 135 of the 1/16/25 DRAFT.