Dark Sky Overlay

Do you enjoy being able to see the stars? Are you worried about all the new developments coming to Pinal County and how they will the night sky? Did you know that light pollution can cause adverse effects on the health of humans, animals, and wildlife? Do you think this is something that should be regulated by the county?

The canceled DRAFT that was released to the public for review on 1/16/2025 had a brand new section called Dark Sky Overlay

See 2.180 p. 271 of the 1/16/25 canceled DRAFT.

Dark Sky Overlay
There will be areas designated as DSO (Dark Sky Overlay) Zoning Districts.
Each District and the LOP (Lighting Overlay Plan) assigned to it will need to be approved by the supervisors.
When certain areas are proposed to be in certain Dark Sky Overlay (DSO) lighting zones, the Board is going to establish lighting requirements and processes for that area called a Lighting Overlay Plan (LSO)

This plan will include but is not limited to how the lights will be used, the materials, methods of installation, lumen levels, fixtures shielding requirements, what hours they are used, etc.
When parts of that DSO area are developed, the Lighting Overlay Plan that was established will be the official document followed.
Any type of buildings, structures, landscaping, signs etc in this DSO zone have to be approved (exteriors only, interior lighting is not included.
When an application for a DSO area is made, at least 50% of the land in that area must be residential or rural.

Public consensus on the area that will be designated as a Dark Sky Overlay will be considered but not required.

How a DSO area will be designated:
A group of at least 20% of the Lot Owners in the proposed area can ask the Commission to initiate a Dark Sky Overlay District but they all have to sign a prop 207 waiver form 
Also they have to do the application for rezoning 2.166.040 page 215

The lots in the DSO will need to be rezoned to the post 2012 Zoning district categories….see page 46 2.15.040
They have to show evidence that either 100% of the property owners in an area authorize the submittal of the application
They can request the Commission initiates the application process (but the Group of Lot Owners will have to pay for all fees and materials)
If 100% of the lot owners in the proposed area authorized the application, there will be at least 1 public hearing.
Otherwise, If the Commission initiates the application, there will be at least 1 public hearing. and then it will go to the Board of Supervisors

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