Get Involved

Read up on the Issues

The key to effecting the changes we want is first to understand what the current code includes and what the County is trying to change. This website is a good starting point and we will continue to fill it with more information. Be sure to check out What’s in the Code as well as the Resources Page.
A great site to read the current Pinal County Code is the municode site HERE.
You can also watch the meeting videos of the Board of Supervisors as well as the Planning and Zoning meeting videos to see what has been said so far.

Call, meet, and email your District Supervisor and Planning & Zoning Members

District 1 Supervisor Rich Vitiello | Email: | Phone: 520-866-3960
District 2 Supervisor Mike Goodman | Email: | Phone: 520-866-8080
District 3 Supervisor Stephen Q. Miller | Email: | Phone: 520-866-7401
District 4 Supervisor Jeffrey McClure | Email: | Phone: 520-866-6054
District 5 Supervisor Jeff Serdy | Email: | Phone: 480-982-0659

Planning & Zoning Commission | Phone: 520-866-6452

Mark your calendar for important dates and Meetings

Together we can make a bigger impact. The more we attend these meetings, the more we will be heard and our concerns and input taken seriously.
You can find the meeting schedules for the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, as well as the Planning and Zoning Commission below.

Board of Supervisors Meeting Schedule
Planning and Zoning Commission Agendas

Tell everyone you know who could be affected

The more awareness we raise the better. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, and community; tell everyone! Please encourage them to also get involved and make their voices heard.

Share Online

Post on your social media accounts, share articles and information, comment, tag friends, and get involved in the discussion online.

Join the Pinal Code Watchers Facebook Group
Our Facebook Group is rapidly growing and is full of active and engaged members, and we’d love for you to join the conversation. If you’re not on Facebook, no worries—we’ll send important updates and dates through email. Just make sure to sign up for our mailing list!

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