Below is what we call the NONCONFORMING CAN OF WORMS:
All notes below are subject to error, please read the original documents.
[To read the nonconforming Uses see page 8 of the markup draft.]
2.05.050 Statutory exemptions
What happens when you are using your property for grazing, general agriculture, (or railroad/mining/metallurgical) uses and you have 5 or more contiguous commercial acres (36,000ft2)?
Current code:
In the current code, nothing would prevent, restrict, or otherwise regulate properties that are 5 or more contiguous commercial acres (36000 ft2 per commercial acre) for railroad/mining/metallurgical/grazing/general agriculture. To be considered grazing and general agriculture, 50% or more of the owner’s income from the land would need to come from that activity.
Canceled 1/16/25 Draft:
Nothing would prevent, restrict, or otherwise regulate properties that are 5 or more contiguous commercial acres (36000 ft2 per commercial acre)from railroad/mining/metallurgical/grazing/general agriculture purposes EXCEPT for marijuana/cannabis. The part from the current code about needing 50% or more of the owner’s income to come from the land above is crossed out. HOWEVER in order to get that exemption you have to apply for it and submit a site plan and be subject to Development Services approval. The property needs to be specifically classified as one of those uses by the assessor’s office. Still, Development Services can cancel the exempt status at any time if it is determined that the property is no longer being used for that purpose.
2.05.060 Nonconforming Uses exempted
An update to the code won’t have affected existing Uses of the property, or the right to continued Use.
However, you wouldn’t be able to change from one nonconforming Use to another.
And of course, if you conform the Use of your property to the new code, you can’t go back to a nonconforming Use.
There are rules for various nonconforming uses.
[For nonconforming Business Use rules, see page 8 Section E in the draft.]
2.05.070 For nonconforming Use of land
You would be able to continue with the lawful Use of land that existed before the proposed update, but if you discontinue Use for 12 consecutive months, you will no longer be able to have the nonconforming Use.
2.05.080 For nonconforming Use of Buildings
Again, you would be able to continue a lawful nonconforming Use of a Building unless you stop using it for 12 consecutive months. If you stop using it for more than 12 months, then you can only use the Buildings for conforming Uses after that.
NOTE: Animal shelters were no longer excluded from the definition of Buildings in the canceled 1/16/25 draft.
2.05.090 Alteration of Nonconforming Buildings
You wouldn’t be able to alter nonconforming Buildings unless it is to make it a conforming Use aligned with the new code. Nonconforming Buildings may not be enlarged, extended, reconstructed, or structurally altered.
(Unless it is a business use, in which case you would follow the rules for nonconforming business use- see page 8 Section E of the draft.)
NOTE: Animal shelters were no longer excluded from the definition of Buildings in the canceled 1/16/25 draft.
2.05.100 Nonconforming buildings that are destroyed (fire, tornado, etc):
Current code:
Nonconforming buildings that are 100% destroyed in value or square footage can be rebuilt in their same footprint.
Canceled 1/16/25 Draft:
If the Buildings are 50% or less destroyed, they could be rebuilt as long as you submit your permit within 12 months from the date of destruction. Otherwise, you would only be allowed to rebuild according to a conforming Use.
If the nonconforming building is more than 50% destroyed, or if you haven’t submitted your permit within 12 months from the date the destruction occurred, you would only be allowed to rebuild with Uses conforming to the new code.
To determine the value of the building before destruction, you would have to hire and pay for a licensed appraiser.