Our Why
What Happened?
Pinal County released a proposed update on its Development Services Code. The code contained updated rules to existing code about what you can or cannot do with your property (i.e. restrictions on animal keeping, restrictions on what is in your yard, etc…) Read about the update HERE. You can see the draft of the proposed changes HERE.
Public Input
The county was asking the public for input HERE. The original deadline for comments was April 15th, 2025.
Pinal Code Watchers is Formed
The Pinal Code Watchers Facebook group was formed due to the concern that the public would not know about the contents of the new draft. Over 2000 people joined in the span of 48 hours.
Public Voices Concern
At the January 29th regular BOS (Board of Supervisors) meeting, many people voiced their frustrations with the new code. Listen to their comments HERE.
Pinal County Responds
Pinal County informed everyone that they would be voting on scrapping the update on Wednesday, Feb 5th, 2025 during the regular BOS meeting. Listen to Supervisor Miller HERE.
Public Attends BOS Meeting
The Board took public comments for around ninety minutes, before discussing how to best move forward. This was a massive showing by our community! The Board directed staff to look at beginning a new process, involving the public from the outset, likely in the form of focus groups in each Supervisor District. The Board voted unanimously 5-0 to scrap the current draft. Watch the meeting HERE.